Silvia Bencivelli

Silvia Bencivelli: scientific journalist, writer, author and radio and TV presenter. She is one of the authors and presenters of Radio3 Rai (Radio3 Scienza and Pagina3) and Rai Cultura (Storie della Scienza, Progetto Scienza, Prospettive) and has worked with Rai3. She teaches science communication at La Sapienza - Università di Roma and other institutions. She writes for newspapers and magazines ("il Venerdì di Repubblica", "Le Scienze"), does podcasts (for example "Spaziale", with Samantha Cristoforetti for Chora Media) and has published several books: the latest is "Eroica, folle e visionaria - storie di medicina spericolata" (Bollati Boringhieri, 2023).