Enough of the dullness of academics, the monotony of exercise, the repetition of subjects and models, the banal tastes of the public and the critics!
[The Impressionists. Colors, lights, smiles: the most radiant season of painting] Enough of the dullness of academics, the monotony of exercise, the repetition of subjects and models, the banal tastes of the public and the critics! Shortly after 1860 a group of young French painters threw open the windows and flooded painting with fresh air, light, live of reality, passion for life. Impressionism was born. In Paris an extraordinary generation of painters met: Monet, Renoir, Manet, Sisley, then Degas, Gauguin, Cézanne… each with the contribution of his own personality. As a whole they created a legend of splendor.
The ArtBook series pays tribute to a moment of exceptional importance in the history of modern art.