Francesca Cappelletti

Associate Professor of European History of Art at the University of Ferrara, for years Francesca Cappelletti has devoted herself to studying the vogue for collecting in 17th-century Italy. She published a book about the Mattei Collection in Rome (1994) and various articles about how it came to be dispersed, which resulted in the finding of the Caravaggio's painting The Taking of Christ, now in Dublin. Other publications include:
The documentary evidence of the early history of Caravaggio's "Taking of Christ",
1993; I capolavori della Galleria Doria Pamphilj da Tiziano a Velazquez (Masterpieces of the Doria Pamphilj Gallery from Titian to Velazquez), 1996; Decorazione e collezionismo a Roma nel Seicento (Decoration and Collecting in 17th-century Rome). Vicende di artisti, mecenati, mercanti (Stories of Artists, Patrons and Merchants), 2003; and Caravaggio e i Caravaggeschi (Caravaggio and his Followers), 2007.