An anthology of works threaded together with a common theme: a reasoned interpretation of structures, spaces and places, illustrated with both colour and black and white drawings.
An anthology of works all with a common theme: a reasoned interpretation of structures, spaces and places, all diligently illustrated. Together – by dint of working with what remained of the buildings in question, using standing walls and tolerating previous patterns – this approach amounts to a stratified makeover of the buildings in question. Work that almost seems more suitable for a sculptor rather than an architect, where what is removed counts just as much as what is added. Each example is explained in an accompanying essay that does not remain within the bounds of the functional programme, but takes a broad view to include the background, comments and comparisons with other similar architectural projects, leaving readers free to make their own interpretation. There is an overt play on the similarities between building with bricks and building with words, text in stone and text on paper, bible de pierre and bible de papier. Re-writing that encompasses both single details and interiors to architectural projects and urban planning, all imbued with the same minimalist approach, with a hint of anachronistic detachment necessary in a critical commentary on the past.