Ebrei una storia italiana. I primi mille anni / Jews, an Italian Story. The First Thousand Years
curated by Anna Foa, Giancarlo Lacerenza, Daniele Jalla
€ 10,00
Out of stockTo mark the opening of the first permanent segment in the Jews, an Italian Story. The First Thousand Years exhibition, MEIS, the Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah (The National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah) and publishers Electa are jointly promoting an event in the Rizzoli Galleria entitled Jews, an Italian Story. The Tale, the Language: how to narrate two thousand years of Jewish history and the challenges of the past, present and future.
Special guests include Gad Lerner, Aldo Grasso and Andrée Ruth Shammah.
The event is moderated by Simonetta Della Seta, MEIS Managing Director.
With an introduction by Dario Disegni, MEIS President.
Luogo Milan
Data 10 September 2024
Orario 6.30 p.m.
Marchio Electa