Piero della Francesca
Eugenio Battisti
- Year of publication
- 1992
- 9788843539048
- Language
- Italian
- Genre
- Art
Price € 196,25 Out of print
Itinerari manzoniani a Lecco
Gian Luigi Daccò
- Year of publication
- 1992
- 9788843539017
- Genre
- Art
Price € 9,30 Out of print
Il Seicento
Grazia Agostini, Andrea Emiliani, Stéphane Loire, Angelo Mazza, Pier Giorgio Pasini, Armanda Pellicciari, Giovanna Perini, Ezio Raimondi, Renato Roli, Michela Scolaro, Anna Stanzani, Giordano Viroli, Ferdinando Arisi, Daniele Benati, Jadranka Bentini, Sonia Cavicchioli, Paola Ceschi Lavagetto, Anna Còccioli Mastroviti, Luigi Ficacci, Lucia Fornari Schianchi, Milena Fornari, Berenice Giovannucci Vigi, Mariangela Giusto, Pier Paolo Mendogni, Nicoletta Moretti, Umberto Nobili, Stefano Pronti, Marco Tanzi
curated by Andrea Emiliani, Jadranka Bentini, Lucia Fornari Schianchi
- Year of publication
- 1992
- 9788877793973
- Genre
- Art
Price € 180,76 Out of print
I Gandolfi
Prisco Bagni
- Year of publication
- 1992
- 9788877793409
- Genre
- Art
Price € 129,11 Out of print
Italia meridionale
curated by Stefano Zuffi
- Year of publication
- 1992
- 9788843549368
- Genre
- Art
Price € 19,63 Out of print
Italia settentrionale
curated by Stefano Zuffi
- Year of publication
- 1992
- 9788843549344
- Genre
- Art
Price € 19,63 Out of print
La tessitura e il ricamo
curated by Maria Luciana Buseghin, Vittorio Fagone, Tullio Seppilli, Bruno Toscano
- Year of publication
- 1992
- 9788843542741
- Genre
- Art
Price € 45,45 Not available