

Bolles+Wilson Opere e progetti

curated by Angela Germano


€ 49,00

A complete, up-to-date monograph on the work of Bolles+Wilson; from the experiments of the 1970s in London to the many projects in Germany and on the international scene.

[Bolles+Wilson. Works and projects] The book, structured in eight thematic groupings, documents the evolution of the architectural research and individual language of Julia B. Bolles and Peter L. Wilson. Julia B. Bolles-Wilson, born in Münster (Germany) in 1948, took a degree in architecture in 1976 at the University of Karlsruhe, followed by post-graduate studies at the Architectural Association of London. She was a professor, from 1981 to 1986, at the Chelsea School of Art in London, and since 1996 she has taught Architectural Design at the University of Applied Sciences of Münster.
Peter L. Wilson, born in Melbourne (Australia) in 1950, studied architecture at the University of Melbourne and the Architectural Association of London, where he took a degree in 1974. From 1974 to 1988 he taught at the Architectural Association. From 1994 to 1996 he was a visiting professor at the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee. In 1980 Bolles & Wilson opened their first professional studio in London; they moved to Münster in 1987.
The volume traces an itinerary, from the first small-scale works in London and Japan to the major urban interventions in Germany and Holland: the library of Münster, the WLV office building, the headquarters of the bank Nord LB in Magdeburg, the new Luxor Theatre of Rotterdam. Ample space has been set aside for works still being completed: the Masterplan for Falkenried/Hamburg, the city hall of Willich and the headquarters of the real estate company Wohn+Stadtbau in Münster. These works are joined by the projects submitted for many competitions, including recent projects like the sculpture school for the Royal College of Art in London and the Masterplan for Tirana. One section of the book is on theoretical projects and manifestos, including the Water House of 1976, the research on ‘Bridgebuildings and the Shipshape’, including a proposal for the Accademia Bridge in Venice, the prize-winning ‘Ninja’ House of 1988, as a seminal architectural response to the dematerialization generated by the media and the Electronic City. The book concludes with an anthology of writings.

22 x 28
paperback with flaps
Year of publication