Novecento di carta

Novecento di carta comes to the Castello Sforzesco in Milan

Novecento di carta opens at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan on 23 March and features masterpieces of 20th-century Italian drawing from civic collections and those of Intesa Sanpaolo in an exhibition of drawings, engravings and artist’s books by the most acclaimed masters of the last century.
100 artists exhibited
40+ works from the Intesa Sanpaolo collections
150+ works from Milan’s civic collections
7 lending civic institutes
38 works from the Civico Gabinetto dei Disegni
50 works from the Civica Raccolta delle Stampe “Achille Bertarelli”
9 war drawings from the Civiche Raccolte Storiche
13 artist’s books from the Biblioteca d’Arte
11 drawings and projects from CASVA - Centro di Alti Studi sulle Arti Visive
54 works from the Museo del Novecento
1 drawing by Amedeo Modigliani
This exhibition forms a gallery of Italian painters, sculptors and engravers, presented in chronological order and ranging from Umberto Boccioni to Giorgio De Chirico, Lucio Fontana, Marino Marini and Afro, Alberto Burri and Federica Galli. Drawing and art-printing techniques were key to these 20th-century artists – tools behind the origin of pictorial ideas, autonomous works, intimate and personal forms of expression as too the means with which to experiment and practise, challenge the spatial limits of painting and exacerbate forms and colours.